Monthly Womens Circle

Connect to your community and create lasting friendships with women taking on their world with all their heart and soul!


Women's circles have a rich history that stretches back through the ages, serving as sacred spaces where women gather to share wisdom, support, and empowerment. At THE MODERN SHAMAN circles, we honor this tradition by offering transformative women's circles designed to foster connection, growth, and healing.

Our women's circles provide a welcoming and inclusive community where women of all backgrounds can come together to connect authentically, share experiences, and uplift one another. Whether you're seeking sisterhood, personal growth, or spiritual exploration, our circles offer a supportive container for your journey.


Community and Connection: Experience a sense of belonging and connection as you connect with like-minded women in a safe and supportive environment.

Empowerment and Validation: Feel empowered and validated as you share your story, struggles, and successes with others who truly understand and support you.

Personal Growth and Healing: Engage in reflective practices, receive support, and experience profound personal growth and healing as you explore your innermost self.

Wisdom Sharing: Learn from the wisdom, knowledge, and experiences of others, and share your own insights and perspectives in a nurturing and collaborative space.

Emotional Support: Receive empathy, understanding, and support from fellow participants as you navigate life's challenges and transitions.

Spiritual Exploration: Explore spiritual practices such as meditation, ritual, and ceremony, deepening your connection with yourself and the divine.

Empowerment and Activism: Join forces with other women to advocate for gender equality, justice, and social change, harnessing the collective power of the circle for positive action.

Join us in our women's circles and discover the transformative power of sisterhood, support, and shared wisdom. Together, we can create a more empowered, connected, and compassionate world.


Welcome to THE MODERNS SHAMAN, join our monthly circles by first completing this application:

Questions & Answers

  • Our circles included 1-2 facilitators and women from all different walks of life. Feel free to bring a friend.

  • We typically have one circle a month. (occasionally we will have two)

  • Activities vary but often include workshops, mediations, journaling, ceremonies (such as cacao), yoga, speakers, sound healing and other activities supporting collective growth, nurturing, and personal development.

  • Modern Shaman believes that healing and self growth looks different for everyone. We invite women from all walks of life to share and collaborate. In our circles we look to empower each other through eachothers gifts and knowledge. There is structured support while allowing open guidance throughout the time of the circle. Women are more powerful when they empower others. And so we encourage all to share who feel called. With this model comes a range of modalities which provides women with options that best suit their personal journey.