We are about living beautifully, feeling deeply, thinking clearly, and growing endlessly. Mind, body, soul experiences in everyday living.

Healing in the mind and body meets beautiful living from the soul. 

We have designed workshops, experiences and spaces intentional for self healing, discovery and transformation. Understand how to be your own healer, dive deep into the undiscovered places and wake up to the the wisdom you have stored inside of you! We offer a variety of experiences, from meditation and sound healing, to adventuring and coaching.

With professionals in Neuro-Linguistics Programing, Conscious living and interior decorating, Hypnotherapy, Shamanism, Plant medicine, Yoga, and more! Each experience is carefully curated to provide a transformative experience that will leave you feeling empowered and ready to take on your life.

We believe that what is happening inside is also happening outside and what you want in life starts with your emotional, and mental state. Once you are aligned internally  then conscious action can be taken to obtain your desired goals. 

Whether you are looking for a community of lasting friendships, a transformative space, or a simple recentering and unwinding experience then THE MODERN SHAMAN is your landing place. 

Our Values


We believe in always growing, evolving and allowing the natural flow of self liberation to happen. Getting out of the way (figuratively) in order to step fully into self discovery is the beginning and then integrating into your life all you learn with clear intent is transformation. We provide safe and transformative practices in order to support you on your journey.


When one heals, many heal. We believe in teaching you your connection to others around you and connect in a deeper and purer form. There is much to learn from those around you, and for them from you. We create experiences that provide this opportunity.


Being self-aware and accountable opens the door to possibilities. We help you see the creator you are and how you can become the master over your own reality. The accountability piece is vital to growth. Without it nothing will change. With it everything transforms. 


Bringing together intuition with esthetics and ancient practices. Producing a life cohesive to nature and our innate beauty. We believe living consciously inward is also an outward experience and the one supports the other.


Andréa Faye is a seasoned facilitator, coach, and healer, dedicated to guiding individuals on their journey towards self-discovery and empowerment. With a wealth of expertise in behavioral coaching, clinical hypnotherapy, and holistic healing modalities, Andrea specializes in creating transformative retreats, workshops, and coaching programs. Her unique approach focuses on empowering individuals to tap into their innate healing abilities, cultivate abundance mindsets, and design lifestyles that nurture their well-being.

With a deep understanding of the human psyche and years of experience in guiding clients through personal and spiritual growth, Andrea creates immersive experiences that inspire profound shifts and lasting change. Her programs are designed to provide participants with the tools, support, and guidance they need to step into their power, embrace their true selves, and create lives filled with beauty, abundance, and support.

Whether facilitating intimate retreats in serene natural settings, leading dynamic workshops in community spaces, or providing personalized coaching sessions, Andrea's compassionate and intuitive guidance empowers individuals to unlock their full potential and live authentically. Through her work, Andrea seeks to empower others to become the healers they inherently are, supporting them in creating lives that reflect their deepest desires and highest aspirations.

A few of Andrea’s credentials include:

  • Clinical Hypnotherapy

  • Neuro-linguistics Practitioner

  • Reiki Mastery

  • Breathwork Facilitator

  • Sound Healer

  • Timeline Hypnotherapy

  • Dream Sculpting Coach

  • Transformational Coach

  • Meditation Specialist

  • Feminine/Masculine Healer 

  • Therapeutic Shamanism 

  • In-viroment Practitioner (Founder) 

The Modern Shaman life is a modern approach to activating the healers in us all. The goal to lead the industry in supporting individuals as a whole with resources for the mind, body, soul and daily living. Creating a supportive lifestyle in and outside of the body. 

So happy you’re here!